Treoirlínte is déanaí maidir le COVID-19 sa scoil / Latest Covid-19 Guidelines

Treoirlínte is déanaí maidir le COVID-19 sa scoil / Latest Covid-19 Guidelines

Eanáir 2022

A thuismitheoir, a chara,

Athbhliain faoi mhaise. Tá súil againn gur bhain gach duine taitneamh as an mbriseadh agus gur éirigh libh fanacht slán. Beimid ag oscailt amárach agus tá seans go mbeidh an chéad cúpla seachtain os ár gcomhair dúshlánach go maith. Ba mhaith linn aird a tharraingt ar chúpla pointe.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year. We hope that you have enjoyed the break and that our families have remained safe. We will reopen tomorrow as planned but we anticipate that the coming weeks may be challenging. We would like to draw your attention to a number of points.

Táimid ag súil le neart asláithreachtaí idir pháistí agus mhúinteoirí le linn na seachtainí romhainn. Tá sé an-thábhachtach go leanann gach duine an treoir náisiúnta maidir le féin-aonrú agus srian a chur ar ghluaiseachtaí. Tuigimid go bhfuil na treoirlínte seo ag athrú i gcónaí agus go bhfuil siad sách casta ach is fiú eolas a bheith agaibh orthu sula bhfileann na páistí ar scoil. Iarraimid ar gach duine na treoirlínte a léamh.

We are anticipating greater absences than usual among staff and pupils in the weeks ahead. It is imperative that everybody follows national guidelines in relation to self-isolation and restricting movements. We understand that these guidelines change regularly and that they can be quite confusing but we ask you to familiarise yourself with them before your child returns to school. They can be accessed at the link below.

Treoir do pháistí 3 – 13: Treoilínte an HSPC: Páistí 3 - 13

Tá sruth-chairt an-úsáideach ar fáil anseo: Flow Chart an HSPC

Tuigimid chomh maith go bhfuil moill ar thástáil PCR a fháil ach ní féidir le páiste nó siblíní a bheith ar scoil má táthar ag fanacht ar thástáil PCR. Is ionann sin is a rá má tá antigen dearfach ag éinne sa teaghlach go gcaithfidh gach duine srian a chur le gluaiseachtaí go dtí go mbíonn toradh an PCR ar fáil.

We understand the difficulty in getting a PCR test at the minute but children and siblings of those awaiting a test in a household setting can not attend school. This means that if someone in the household gets a positive antigen test that all household members must restrict their movements until the result of the PCR is available.

Comharthaí Covid 19

Symptoms of COVID-19

· Teocht

· Casacht Nua nó deacrachtaí análú

· Blas nó Boladh in easnamh

· Temperature

· New cough or difficulty breathing

· Loss of taste or smell

· Tuirse,

· Srón blocáilte nó ag sileadh

· Conjunctivitis

· Scórnach tinn

· Tinneas cinn

· Pian sna matáin

· Múisc nó cur amach

· Buinneach

· Mearbhall

· Gríos

· Fatigue,

· Nasal congestion,

· Conjunctivitis,

· Sore throat,

· Headache,

· Muscle/joint pain,

· Skin rash,

· Nausea or vomiting,

· Diarrhoea,

· Chills or dizziness.

Tástáil Antaigine:

Iarraimid go gcuirfí aon tástáil dearfach antaigine in iúl dúinn láithreach trí rphost a sheoladh chuig agus / nó Sa chaoi seo is féidir linn dul i dteagmháil le teaghlaigh eile sa phod / rang de réir mar is cuí. Ní leor é a chur i ngrúpa Whatsapp tuismitheoirí nó ar Showbie. Is gá don oifig an t-eolas seo a bheith againn le gur féidir baill foirne eile a bhí i dteagmháil le rang a chur ar an eolas.

Iarraimid dá bharr gach cumarsáid maidir le cásanna dearfacha idir antaigin agus PCR a chur in iúl tríd r-phost go ceann de na seolta thuas. Is féidir glaoch a chur ar an scoil i gcónaí chun comhairle a fháil maidir le gluaiseachtaí srianta agus rl.

We are asking that positive antigen tests be notified to the school immediately by email to or . In this way we can contact other members of a pod or a class as appropriate. Putting this information in a class Whatsapp or on Showbie is not sufficient. The information is required by the office in order to contact other staff members who may have had contact with the pod/class.

It is therefore imperative that all communication in relation to positive antigen/PCR tests should be made via email to either of the addresses above. You may ring the school phone if you require further advice re restricting movements.

Tinneas eile

Faoi mar atá á rá ó thús na bliana ní féidir páiste atá tinn a sheoladh ar scoil. Fiú má bhí COVID-19 ar an bpáiste agus fios agat nach sin atá orthu tá baol ann go scaipfí víorais eile rud a thabharfaidh comharthaí COVID-19 do pháistí eile / baill foirne, rud a chúiseoidh asláithreachtaí breise. Táimid an-bhuíoch do gach duine a rinne comhoibriú leis an treoir seo ó thús na bliana agus cé go gcuireann sé brú breise ar theaghlaigh cabhraíonn sé go mór le stop a chur le scaipeadh tinnis sa seomra ranga.

As we have been saying since the beginning of the year, sick children should not be sent to school. Even if your child has already had COVID-19 and you are sure that they do not have it there is always a chance of spreading other viruses which would in turn infect others with COVID-like symptoms resulting in further absences from school. We realise that parents have been very co-operative in this regard since the beginning of the school year and even though this means extra pressure on households we ask that you continue the safe practice as it helps greatly in curbing the spread of sickness in school.

Foghlaim sa bhaile

Cuirfear obair in airde ar Showbie dóibh siúd atá gafa sa bhaile de bharr tinnis nó srian ar ghluaiseachtaí. Déanfar sin nuair is féidir ag brath ar an bhfoireann atá ar fáil chuige. Nílimid ag súil go mbeadh aon pháiste atá tinn ag dul i mbun oibre.

Work will be provided for those who are at home isolating or restricting movements. That will be made available as soon as possible depending on the staff available. We do not expect any child who is sick to be doing work.

Asláithreacht Foirne

Déanfar gach iarracht feitheoireacht a chur ar fáil do gach rang má bhíonn múinteoir as láthair. Sa chás nach mbeidh baill foirne ar fáil déanfar teagmháil leis an rang áirithe sin agus i gcásanna áirithe tá seans go mbeidh ar rang fanacht sa bhaile.

All efforts will be made to provide supervision for all classes in the case of a teacher being absent. In cases where this is not possible due to lack of staff we will make contact with the affected classes directly and in some circumstances it may require a class having to stay at home.

Príomhphointí do pháistí bunscoile bunaithe ar pháistí nach bhfuil vaicsín faighte acu. (04 Eanáir 2022)

Do Pháiste

Siblíní in aois scoile

Comharthaí Covid ar do pháiste

An páiste le féin-aonrú más féidir.

3 X tástáil antaigine le déanamh 24 uair a chloig eatarthu.

Má tá 3 thoradh diúltach ar na tástálacha antaigine caithfidh an páiste a bheith 48 uair a chloig glan ar chomharthaí tinnis roimh fhilleadh ar scoil.

Go breá le teacht ar scoil an fhad nach bhfuil aon chomharthaí tinnis orthu agus go bhfanann na torthaí antaigine don té atá tinn diúltach.

Tástáil dearfach antaigine ag do pháiste

An páiste le féin-aonrú más féidir.

Tástáil PCR le cur in áireamh

Fanacht sa bhaile go dtí go mbíonn toradh an PCR ar fáil.

Tástáil dearfach antaigine ag duine eile sa teach

Fanacht sa bhaile go dtí go mbíonn toradh an PCR ar fáil.

Fanacht sa bhaile go dtí go mbíonn toradh an PCR ar fáil.

Toradh dearfach ar PCR ag do pháiste

An páiste le féin-aonrú más féidir ar feadh 10 lá ó thosaigh na comharthaí agus gan teocht ar feadh 5 lá nó i gcás páiste gan comharthaí 10 lá ó dháta an tástála.

Srian a chur le gluaiseachtaí ar feadh 10 lá. Tástáil PCR le fáil ar lá 0 agus lá 10.

Toradh dearfach PCR ag duine eile sa teaghlach

Srian a chur le gluaiseachtaí ar feadh 10 lá. Tástáil PCR le fáil ar lá 0 agus lá 10.

Srian a chur le gluaiseachtaí ar feadh 10 lá. Tástáil PCR le fáil ar lá 0 agus lá 10.

Do pháiste aitheanta mar ghar-theagmhálaí sa suíomh scoile

Ba chóir an nasc seo a leanúint agus tástáil antaigine a chur in áireamh. Is féidir leis an bpáiste freastal ar scoil an fhad is atá an tástáil antaigine diúltach agus nach bhfuil aon chomharthaí tinnis ar an bpáiste.

Má tá comharthaí tinnis ar an bpáiste aitheanta mar ghar-theagmhálaí sa suíomh scoile ba chóir tástáil PCR a chur in áireamh.

Is féidir le siblíní teacht ar scoil an fhad is nach bhfuil aon chomharthaí tinnis orthu.

Sumary of isolation guide for Primary Children based on unvaccinated children (04 Jan 2022)

Your Child in Primary school

Siblings in Primary School

Your child is displaying signs of COVID-19

Self-isolate if possible

3 X antigen tests to be completed 24 hours apart.

Link to antigen tests here:

Once the 3 tests are negative and your child is symptom free for 48 hours they may return to school.

Siblings may attend school once they are symptom free and the sick child’s antigen tests are negative.

Your child has a positive antigen test

Self-isolate if possible

Book a PCR test

Remain at home until the result of the PCR test has been received. May return if symptom free and PCR is negative.

Somebody else in the household has a positive antigen test

Remain at home until the result of the PCR test has been received. May return if symptom free and PCR is negative.

Remain at home until the result of the PCR test has been received. May return if symptom free and PCR is negative.

Your child has a positive PCR test

Self-isolate if possible for 10 days from the beginning of symptoms and be fever free for 5 days or in the case of asymptomatic children self-isolate for 10 days from the date of the test.

Restrict movement for 10 days. Book a PCR for day 0 and day 10. May return to school following a negative day 10 result. In the absence of a day 10 result must restrict movements for 14 days.

Household member has a positive PCR test

Restrict movement for 10 days. Book a PCR for day 0 and day 10. May return to school following a negative day 10 result. In the absence of a day 10 result must restrict movements for 14 days.


Restrict movement for 10 days. Book a PCR for day 0 and day 10. May return to school following a negative day 10 result. In the absence of a day 10 result must restrict movements for 14 days.

Your child has been identified as a close contact in a school setting.

Please follow this link to order antigen tests. Your child may attend school as long as they remain symptom free and the antigen tests are negative.

Siblings may continue attending school as long as they are symptom free.

Dírítear bhur n-aird ar na pointí seo leanas agus molaimid iad a phlé le do pháiste más cuí:

  • Tá seans go mbeidh baill foirne difriúla ag déanamh cúraim den rang ar laethanta difriúla
  • An tábhacht a bhaineann leis an masc a chaitheamh i gceart ar scoil.
  • An tábhacht a bhaineann le lámha a ghlanadh i gceart agus díghalrú a dhéanamh.
  • Tá an aimsir fuar agus beidh na fuinneoga ar oscailt, cinntigh go bhfuil éadaí oiriúnacha ar do pháiste agus iad ag teacht ar scoil chomh maith le héadaí báistí cuí mar gur gá na seomraí a aerú go rialta.

Finally we would like to draw your attention to the following points and please discuss as appropriate with your child.

  • There is a high likelihood that different members of staff may be involved with classes on different days
  • The importance of wearing a mask correctly at school
  • The importance of hand washing and sanitizing
  • The weather is very cold and the windows and doors will be open to facilitate ventilation, please ensure that the children have suitable clothing. Furthermore appropriate rain-gear is advised as we go outside everyday to facilitate the ventilation of rooms.

Ná déan dearmad go bhfuil treoir eile ar fad ann dóibh siúd atá os cionn 13 agus is féidir é sin a fháil ar shuíomh an FSS.

We remind you that there are different guidelines for those over 13 years of age and they can be found on the HSE website.

Tá súil againn go mbeidh téarma maith ag gach duine agus le chéile go sárófar na dúshláin, go mbeidh gach duine slán agus sona i mbun teagaisc agus foghlama.

Má tá aon cheist agaibh ná bíodh drogall oraibh teagmháil a dhéanamh linn.

We hope that everyone has an enjoyable term and that together we will overcome the challenges, that we will remain safe and that all will be content teaching and learning.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Le dea-ghuí

Deirble agus foireann na scoile.

Feabh 15
Briseadh Meán Tearma (Scoil Dúnta)
Már 09
Céiliúradh/Céilí na Féile Phádraig – Dé Domhnaigh, 9ú Márta 2025 (14.00-16.00)
Már 17
Lá Fhéile Pádraig - Scoil Dúnta
Már 21
Coineartú Rang 6
Dé hAoine 31 Eanair - Rang Íoga sa Halla ó 8 - 9.30i.n. Friday 31st January - Yoga Class in the Halla from 8 - 9.30pm
Baile Hearman, Baile Átha Cliath 5, D05VF95.
01 831 6338
Déan Teagmháil Linn
Suíomh / Location
© 2025 Scoil Neasáin